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Regional & Global Missions

Mission Organizations Supported by First Dunedin Church

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Residing Hope

Children's Home

Formerly the United Methodist Children's Home, Residing Hope provides holistic healing and care for children who have been abandoned, abused, or neglected. First Dunedin Church is proud to support the empowering work being done at Residing Hope.

Teri Kintzer

First Dunedin Liaison

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Faith and Action for Strength Together

Faith and Action for Strength Together (FAST) is a Pinellas County-based Interfaith Justice Ministry network of about 50 congregations of different faith traditions. FAST is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that facilitates training for county residents to identify the root causes of community problems and to advocate for positive outcomes. Through FAST, people of all backgrounds connect to effectively address their community needs by working with county and city officials who can address policy and procedure deficiencies.

Lynda Misfud

First Dunedin Liaison

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Iglesia Methodista

Cuban Sister Church

We have a covenant relationship between our church and the Iglesia Methodista in Juagey Grande, Cuba. This is not just a financial relationship, but one of prayer and support.

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Zoe Empowers

Overcoming Extreme Poverty - For Good

Zoe Empowers works with vulnerable youth and their families impacted by the global orphan crisis. 


Through a three-year, locally-led program, participants become safe and healthy, skilled for long-term success, and able to lead meaningful lives within a supportive community providing them with a positive impact.

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Ray & Dori Pieratt

Missionaries with YWAM Hurlach

Currently serving as a teacher for the YWAM Training School in Hurlach, Germany, Ray has a passion and a calling on his life to teach and train others about the Bible. 

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